My Favorite Superheroes – Batman and Captain America

Welcome to week 30!

It’s been a milestone of DonBlogs and thanks for hanging along with me on this journey 🙂

This week I will be discussing why Batman and Captain America are my favorite superheroes.


Batman (DC) and Captain America (Marvel)

Bruce Wayne by day, Batman by night = One of the coolest things about Batman is that he is a regular human being by day and a superhero by night, without many people knowing his real identity. One could call it living a double-life, but it must be pretty cool and challenging to be two people. The greatest example is The Dark Knight Rises. Seeing the struggles of dealing with everyday life, his parent’s death and saving the people of Gotham City made the movie more realistic.

Batman’s Gadgets = Another cool thing about Batman is his gadgets. The amount of gadgets this guy has is beyond incredible. If you want the full gadget experience, I recommend checking out Batman: Arkham Knight. Not only does the player have access to all of these gadgets, they also learn to use them properly in each mission. I’m excited to see what other new gadgets Batman will have in the future.

The Captain = Chris Evans has definitely made Captain America more interesting superhero. The energy that Captain America brings to the table is incredible. He knows how to lead a team of heroes and give his full ability while fighting.  This is mainly established in The Avengers movies and Captain America movies.

Captain America’s Shield = At first, I didn’t really think Captain America’s shield was anything spontaneous. However, after watching the Captain America movies and realizing how powerful this shield is, my mindset changed. The shield is able to cut through walls and return back to Captain America, almost like a boomerang. Make no mistake; Captain America’s shield is top notch.

DC and Marvel’s Future

Each of these superheroes are filled with unique qualities, abilities and gadgets. I’m very excited to see DC and Marvel’s future plans for Batman and Captain America.


That’s all for this week!

Thanks for reading!

Join me next week as I will be discussing: The Evolution of Video Games: From 1980’s to Present Day

Published by Donte' Hawkins

My name is Donte'​ Hawkins and I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Science: Game Art. Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of being an artist that creates imaginary game environments. Now becoming an environment artist is my goal. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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